Health risks

Using screens can cause unexpected serious health effects that you may not be aware of

Since 2013, when Reticare and University de Complutense, Madrid (UCM) first demonstrated that human retinal cells die from exposure to blue light, new risks have been discovered. The magnitude of the effects discovered and their repercussions for your health make it necessary to use adequate protection. You are probably already suffering from several of these effects even if you don't link them to screens:
1.- Ocular Fatigue


The first alarm can be detected by some signals from our eyes as a protest against the use of screens. These symptoms should be understood as warnings which reveal much more serious damages may be coming forth. The typical itching, red eyes, difficulty in focusing, excessive sensitivity to light, blurred vision, eye pain, etc., are signals that our body sends us to which we have to pay close attention.

2.-Dry Eye Syndrome


Dry eyes, related to the use of screens is associated with a reduction in the number of blinks and incomplete blinking prevents proper lubrication of the eyes. Most people resort to using eye drops to alleviate this annoying effect however, independent studies have shown that the use of Reticare on screens normalizes incomplete blinking. That is to say, it produces a complete lubrication much like when reading a piece of paper.

3.- Headaches and migraines


The light emitted from device screens generates headaches that have multiplied during the pandemic. It was demonstrated in clinical cases that reduction of blue light decreased or lessened the intensity of headaches and, in some cases, they even disappeared. Thousands of Reticare users report this beneficial effect.

4.-Sleep disorders, insomnia and poor restorative sleep


Several studies convey the use of screens relate to the difficulties in sleeping at night. Exposure to screens can alter the circadian rhythm by activating melanopsin cells and modifying the secretion of melatonin. This process hinders the quality of sleep and can increase insomnia.

5.- An increased craving for sugar


One of the effects of blue light, most surprisingly shown in lab animal experiments, that it generates a greater interest in sugar consumption at night. The Western diet which promotes fast foods and processed foods, already contains high amount of sugars. Topped with blue light, studies show the incidences of diabetes is steadily increasing, especially in children, as a result of this type of diet and lack of exercise.

6.- Effects on the skin


In addition to generating cell death in the retina, blue light effects on the skin have been published including hyperpigmentation, pigmentation spots (lentigines) on the skin, premature aging and increase in melasma.

Using protective glasses are not at all effective in this case as they not only provide less protection but, they also leave the rest of the body exposed to possible skin issues. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to use Reticare protectors that are installed on device screens.

7.- Premature cataracts


It has been shown that Cataracts are beginning to appear earlier and earlier due to the light emitted by screens.  In addition to producing cell death in the retina, the light can accelerate the oxidation of the crystalline lens, which results in the early appearance of cataracts. If you look around you, you will see that cataract surgeries, which used to be performed on the average, at or over 70 years of age, are now seen in more and more cases at age 50 and even earlier at age 40.

8.- Damage to the retina and macula


The most serious effect is that blue light can produce serious damage in the retina in humans.  This effect has also been shown in laboratory cell deaths in-vitro and in-vivo (lab animals). This type of damage cannot be recovered by using glasses or by any surgical procedure. Furthermore, correcting this condition by transplants are also not possible, which result in loss of vision in the affected areas. In both lab animal tests and in-vitro experiments on human cells, Reticare is the only solution that has been shown to reduce retinal cell death.

1. Fatigue, itchy eyes, ocular stress, blurred vision, photophobia

  1. Dry eyes, tearing
  2. Headaches and migraines
  3. Sleep disorders, insomnia and non-refreshing sleep.
  4. Increased craving for sugar
  5. Skin blemishes
  6. Premature cataracts
  7. Damage to the retina and macula

Risk groups:

Based on the actual data, it is evident that every single screen user should be protected with Reticare intensive ocular protector.

The risks and the amount of possible consequences of light exposure from screens are too varied to predict because the effects are dependent on user habits (how long or how much exposure). Therefore, some may experience bigger complications and/or faster effects than others:

Very high risk groups (Highly Recommended: Use Reticare intensive on all screens and use glasses for TVs):

  • Patients with Macular Degeneration or those with any other existing retina damage
  • Glaucoma patients
  • Diabetes patients
  • Heavy screen users, more than 8 hours per day (combined hours from all devices like Smartphones, tablets, computers and TVs)
  • Kids and young adults who look at screens every day
  • Professional video gamers and YouTubers
  • Virtual reality professionals or heavy users (1 hour per day)

High risk groups (Highly Recommended: use Reticare intensive all the screens):

  • Users who look at screens more than 5 hours per day (combined hours from all devices like Smartphones, tablets, computers and TVs)
  • Users who use screens every day and are older than 50 years old
  • Video gamers and occasional Virtual reality users

Do not hesitate to call us to help you in the process or if you have any questions, our team is involved in the important mission of protecting eyes from this serious risk and is happy to help you.

+1 813 287 4867

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